Anyone see the handwringing and doom mongering on Look North about the climate in God's County in 2050?Everything but plagues of locust were predicted by assorted furrow browed Environmental Nazi's, with the main revelation being solemnly declared to be that "In 2050, Yorkshire will have the same climate as Bordeaux".Now how the fuck is that a bad thing?*turns on all lights and puts everthing on standby*I look forward to the day when I can enjoy a nice Yorkshire red, and I don't mean traitors like Boycott.
Bunch of handwringing cunts, remember, 600 years ago 99% of the scientific community said Columbus would sail off the end of the world. <also puts everything on standby and goes outside to light two very large patio heaters>
this here artist has knocked out a load of prints of tropical britain some years hence - looks great!
It's going to be even hotter in the US as they still use Fahrenheit.
It will be a nightmare when that there london is underwater the army will move in, turf you out of your homes, and have you housed in dormitory boats moored off the coast at Pontefract, meanwhile the Kensington Set will be moaning like fuck about living in a two up two down in Wibsey.
yeah but no but yeah....if you think we've got problems no with immigration, disease and sky-high food and energy prices ... wait till this kicks in where are all the people in places like london, holland, pacific islands and bangladesh gonna live? wheres the food going to grow when theres that much less land that it can be grown on ?these naysayers about climate change are the same sort of people who were saying smoking was good for you in the old days still i suppose blind optimism might work in some sort of noel-edmonds style cosmic ordering type way
The Marquis of Craggwood wroteyeah but no but yeah....if you think we've got problems no with immigration, disease and sky-high food and energy prices ... wait till this kicks in where are all the people in places like london, holland, pacific islands and bangladesh gonna live? wheres the food going to grow when theres that much less land that it can be grown on ?these naysayers about climate change are the same sort of people who were saying smoking was good for you in the old days still i suppose blind optimism might work in some sort of noel-edmonds style cosmic ordering type way
We won't need to grow as much food as loads of people will have drowned. :cool:
kaydubya wroteThe Marquis of Craggwood wroteyeah but no but yeah....if you think we've got problems no with immigration, disease and sky-high food and energy prices ... wait till this kicks in where are all the people in places like london, holland, pacific islands and bangladesh gonna live? wheres the food going to grow when theres that much less land that it can be grown on ?these naysayers about climate change are the same sort of people who were saying smoking was good for you in the old days still i suppose blind optimism might work in some sort of noel-edmonds style cosmic ordering type way
We won't need to grow as much food as loads of people will have drowned. :cool:

Cigarette? :D
The Marquis of Craggwood wrotekaydubya wroteThe Marquis of Craggwood wroteyeah but no but yeah....if you think we've got problems no with immigration, disease and sky-high food and energy prices ... wait till this kicks in where are all the people in places like london, holland, pacific islands and bangladesh gonna live? wheres the food going to grow when theres that much less land that it can be grown on ?these naysayers about climate change are the same sort of people who were saying smoking was good for you in the old days still i suppose blind optimism might work in some sort of noel-edmonds style cosmic ordering type way
We won't need to grow as much food as loads of people will have drowned. :cool:
http://www.creativepro.com/img/story/20050519_fg10.jpgCigarette? :D
Haven't you got a tree to save or something?
Hot weather = no more need for jackets or summer jumpers.Moreover you may have to wear shorts. I doubt your knees have seen sunlight in the past 10 years - you therefore may burn easily.If it's warm there would probably be a decline in cask ales as a demand for chilled, tasteless, nitrogen injected bitter would rise.Not such a good idea now is it?
Women's winter selection:

Women's summer selection:

*Buys Land Rover* :D
Ad wroteHot weather = no more need for jackets or summer jumpers.Moreover you may have to wear shorts. I doubt your knees have seen sunlight in the past 10 years - you therefore may burn easily.If it's warm there would probably be a decline in cask ales as a demand for chilled, tasteless, nitrogen injected bitter would rise.Not such a good idea now is it?
FUCK!*turns off lights and tv, falls over chair, breaks leg, turns off compu
That is an equally persuasive argment.*sets dimmer on lights to half way*
kaydubya wroteThat is an equally persuasive argment.*sets dimmer on lights to half way*
But don't forget...
Womble wroteI always smoke Marlboro, for the taste of the country. Now more tar!!
that's because you like men-in-chaps
Hasn't Dawn French got diddy feet?
Harvest wroteHasn't Dawn French got diddy feet?
...and I think she might be able to soon pass comment on the smell that enimates from dogs shagging in another post. Look behind you Slim.
It appears everyone is getting very excited about the maiden flight of a 'biofueled' plane this morning, which all sounds well and good, until you realise all they've done, is just bung an extra litre of Tropi-Sun coconut lotion into the fuel tank. Suppose that'll make the government feel justified in building an extra three runways at Heathrow all the while odius little cunts like Ken Livingstone charge drivers of proper cars 25+ quid a day for the privilege of being delayed by bendy busses all day long.
I find it hard to fathom the use of bendy busses down there.We bought a load in Bradford a few years ago but ended up selling them because they couldn't get round the streets.From what I've seen, London has far more tight corners and narrow streets than Bradford, and I've seen at leat two bendy busses embedded in bollards on traffic islands whist trying to get round corners, with traffic backing up down two roads.
One thing Nick Griffin has got right...[quote]Climate change is the theology of the liberal eliteTHERE were horrified gasps and shouts of “outrageous” from the Far Left and Communist MEPs as Nick Griffin addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg this morning on climate change.However, the British National Party’s MEP for the North West of England earned the plaudits of some Conservative Party and UK Independence Party MEPs for what was a hard-hitting speech on the liberal elite’s ’scared cow’.This is what the BNP leader told Parliament.“Everyone agrees that climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity.”That`s the constant claim of the political elite – and it’s a lie!Everyone does NOT agree. Thousands of scientists dispute the very existence of man made global warming, citing natural cyclical changes that saw vineyards in Roman northern England and a Swedish army march over the frozen Baltic at the height of the Little Ice Age in 1658 to Copenhagen.As an army of global warming zealots marches to Copenhagen, the truth is that their Orwellian ‘consensus’ is based, not on scientific agreement but on bullying, censorship and fraudulent statistics.In the words of leading climatologist Professor Richard Lindzen:“Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early twenty-first century`s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally average temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections contemplated a roll back of the industrial age.”In fact, there will be no ‘bemused amazement’, for the reason for this hysteria is clear: It is designed to provide the excuse for the political project of the globalists to replace national democracy with New World Order global governance.It has nothing to do with science and everything to do with a globalist common purpose to tax and control us, while making Billions for corporations in the Green-Industrial complex.The anti-Western intellectual cranks of the Left suffered a collective breakdown when Communism collapsed. Climate change is their new theology, a secular religious hysteria complete with Pope Al Gore, Carbon Credit indulgences and the persecution of heretics.But the heretics will have a voice in Copenhagen, and the truth will out: Climate change is being used to impose an anti-human Utopia as deadly as anything conceived by Stalin or Mao.Explanatory Note – for informationThere has been an absence of informed debate on the issue of ´global warming´. This may be demonstrated briefly by reference to the following points:1 There has occurred global warming (shown by the disappearance of surface ice) on Mars and at least one of Jupiter´s moons. There are neither factories nor SUVs on either.2 Satellites have detected nett ice formation over the North Pole since 2006.3 The Earth has been subjected to cyclical warming and cooling for billions of years. Over the past two millennia, vines have been grown by the Romans in the North of England; the climate was warmer during the Middle Ages but there then occurred a period of cooling, which saw the River Thames freeze during the 17th and 19th centuries, for example.4 Contrary to the message communicated by the advocates of global warming and the Al Gore film, Co2 emissions follow global warming; they do not precede it. This is a perfectly natural cyclical phenomenon but it disproves the link between man-made Co2 emissions and ´global warming´.5 There has been global cooling since 1998 – a fact that is not credibly debated.6 Sea levels rise and decline as part of the cyclical pattern, per point 3, above. In former times, the South of England was joined to the Continent but at a time when much of Britain was subjected to glaciation – an undesirable consequence of global cooling.´Global warming´ sceptics are treated as politically-incorrect ´deniers´. There has been limited debate, with only one side of the argument vented but in strident and alarmist tones. Well qualified scientists who dispute global warming are condemned aggressively – an occurrence that discourages open debate.[/quote]Now if he could just get over not liking darkies...