fulmine Carla Bruni announced Margareth Thatcher died source: United Kingdom EmbassyBrilliantly it turns out a fake Carla Bruni twitter account claimed the old witch had gone. And news agencies believed it.
twopointslost Imagine being named afetr a hair product , not just your last name but both ! I know theres Paul Wella and Charles Redken and probably some others , but Vidal sassoon is the only one I know of with both.
Tolley twopointslost wroteImagine being named afetr a hair product , not just your last name but both ! I know theres Paul Wella and Charles Redken and probably some others , but Vidal sassoon is the only one I know of with both.There's a local bus driver called Hedan Sholders.**I made that up
Guest Misura wroteMaggie ThatcherPrince PhillipPete DohertyRonnie BiggsEl MagrahiBiggs and Thatcher are on borrowed time.
soldierant Misura wroteMisura wroteMaggie ThatcherPrince PhillipPete DohertyRonnie BiggsEl MagrahiBiggs and Thatcher are on borrowed time.Some one needs to call her loan in
Guest I reckon all my five will have croaked it by the end of the year. Agreed that they weren't controversial picks, but i'm proud non the less. Thatcher, Biggs & Prince Phillip will be a hatrick of pneumonia.
luxury_scruff Looking forward to cancer and heart disease being one of them thin bands, a treatable disease, something you can continue to live with.Took too many, too young.
Guest luxury_scruff wroteLooking forward to cancer and heart disease being one of them thin bands, a treatable disease, something you can continue to live with.Took too many, too young.What the man said. Lifestyle changes will reduce 'em.
Djpekingman Angharad Rees - gone. Her of the 'Ill take 'em off for a shilling' fame while playing Demelza in 1970s Poldark. RIP you little minx.
old_codger Poldarlk, we watched it religiously in our house. Was it good or is it because there was nowt else on? I do remember Angharad and thought she was rather tasty, even when I was pre-teen.
Djpekingman Geoffrey Hughes - aka Eddie Yeates and Twiggy gone to the big bin round in the sky. 68. I had no idea he was that old. RIP.