Ditched the motor as Edinburgh Council hate car owners. Only really drove once a month for a Sunday nosebag with the folks.My teenage self always wanted a Vespa and giving it serious thought as i can park it in the office carpark and it'll do for nipping to the shops. Theres a dealer just outside Edinburgh that i'm planning to visit the first free Saturday i get.As much as i'd like an older classic model, a modern engine & warranty seems more sensible.Full drivers licence from '88 - Never ridden a scooter or motorbike before though.What should i know?
A few who sometimes read are. Get one. Always fancied one myself.
I think Reggie P is your man on here.
Mr Drew Busby Esq. wroteDitched the motor as Edinburgh Council hate car owners. Only really drove once a month for a Sunday nosebag with the folks.My teenage self always wanted a Vespa and giving it serious thought as i can park it in the office carpark and it'll do for nipping to the shops. Theres a dealer just outside Edinburgh that i'm planning to visit the first free Saturday i get.As much as i'd like an older classic model, a modern engine & warranty seems more sensible.Full drivers licence from '88 - Never ridden a scooter or motorbike before though.What should i know?
You should know that Vespas traditionally had very low centres of gravity and could easily go over. At least they did in my scooter days many moons ago when I was dumped on my arse a couple of times. But the modern versions are probably better designed and a lot steadier. You will already know that once upon a time riding a scooter was the ultimate in cool. Again, I'm not so sure about today. Probably a snarly Harley would be cooler now especially if you care to deck yourself out in tats and a bandanna.
Weekender could be acemans here
I've had a few vespas over the years. Great reliable machines. The reputation for going over is unfounded. Tyres used to be shit but aren't now. You are a lot better coming off a vespa than a bike as you van get your legs out of the way. Have a look at LML Stars too, they do a four stroke and you can have it badged as a vespa by the dealer usually. Save you a few hundred quid and they are just as good. Paint could be better and a layer of lacquer would be a good investment.I cashed mine in for an MG TF a couple of years ago but I'm missing it.
Reg,New or classic?Can i ride off the plot with L plates?
Reggie is the man. I've had the new ones, the LX … easy, no grief but looks new (obviously) so not classic. saying that I'm getting the LX150 next spring (scooters pointless here with our winters) Also had small frame Vespas before, mainly Primaveras … great fun but a nightmare to work on if they fuck up. get yourself a PX125 . Test - 2 day course normally to ride up to a 125.
I had one, (midlife alert for me) An old Correlejos one yellow with blue livery. I couldn't ride it for shit. Sold to some kids from Pudsey. Sound kids had a real passion for scooters.
placidcasual wroteI had one, (midlife alert for me) An old Correlejos one yellow with blue livery. I couldn't ride it for shit. Sold to some kids from Pudsey. Sound kids had a real passion for scooters.
Ahh, the saga of Placid's little yeller scooter. How we laughed. Did you ever get it to run?
[quote=Toronto Ted]Reggie is the man. I've had the new ones, the LX … easy, no grief but looks new (obviously) so not classic. saying that I'm getting the LX150 next spring (scooters pointless here with our winters) Also had small frame Vespas before, mainly Primaveras … great fun but a nightmare to work on if they fuck up. get yourself a PX125 . Test - 2 day course normally to ride up to a 125.[/quote]if you want the look that we all grew up with but with modern reliability then the Vespa PX125 is the bunny (or the LML if you want to save a bit). Purists would say Lambretta Li / GP or old school Vespas but the new ones look good.on the license thing there is a bit of a grey area on Grandfather rights for old cunts like me who passed car test in 86 but pretty sure you need CBT to activate the provisional every 2 years. Wish I had passed my test.TBH I never had plates on mine cos they looked shit.One thing though. Do not skimp on tyres or oil. Both very important and will look after you. Check out Chiselspeed in Barwick or Dyrons on York Road if you are local.
Get a Vespa PX 125 geared 2-stroke if you're getting a used one. If you're buying new then Reg's shout re: LML's is a good one. The modern 4-stroke automatics are nippier, but a bit less engaging to ride and don't look as suave. Whatever you get you'll have a riot on it. Go for it.
whyIoughta wroteGet a Vespa PX 125 geared 2-stroke if you're getting a used one. If you're buying new then Reg's shout re: LML's is a good one. The modern 4-stroke automatics are nippier, but a bit less engaging to ride and don't look as suave. Whatever you get you'll have a riot on it. Go for it.
seriously consider the twist and go LML. Vespas are not easy to ride. They don't handle well at low speeds unless you are experienced on them and gear changes have to be precise. They DO NOT like beo g in the wrong gear.
CBT required every 2 years I'm afraid, unless you intend to ride a 50cc moped. CBT will cost you a oner, road tax £17, insurance around £130.
Cheers for all the advice.I've found and emailed a local Motorcycling School to get the SP.I suppose i'd be better going on two wheels first before buying.
If i could find a decent LX in good condition then i'd go with that rather than the PX.Theres a beat up LX in the office carpark but it's a huge place and i can never catch anyone parking it. I'll have to try and track the owner down for shot around the cars,I'll get myself legal first then start looking properly.Cheers OMJ
Surely if you have the bug from being a kid then the LX doesn't scratch the itch. Not for me them modern looking things.
Bit of a price difference between those and a Vespa and as a novice, there doesn't appear to much between them in design.But, a Vespa was what i always wanted and the money isn't an issue at present.Appreciate the heads up though as my cash gets spent on my behalf and the LML option may come into play by the time i'm legal.Cheers