Rudi wroteHe never finishes a sentence either.
This is usually a sign of, only guesswork on my behalf, Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD an auditory form of dislexia). Affects many people, not finishing sentences or sentences tailing off when you deliver them,are common signs.So there's my diagosis, so you can if you.. thenPersonally, I think he is just an aging old fool who rambles about any old shit (but its actually not when you happen to be running for presidency) like a lot of old people do.edited to say, please think of an aging relative if yours and imagine them running for president. There is no difference, this one just so happens to be rich and wears a suit. At the end of the day, he is still a 70 year old bloke underneath it all. Money, power and influence cannot fight off the ravages of age.