humphrey_plugg Three records today- Neil Young Songs For Judy, Van Morrison Moondance & R.E.M. Out Of Time
Mitaman [quote=space]£70 quids worth of deisel and it barely got the tank to 3/4 full. Fucking austerity.[/quote]Thats one thing i noticed in the summer, the cost of fuel is ridiculous in that there Engrand.
albert_herbert_hawkins The mother of all scissors by leatherman for the father in laws chritsmas present. Be just the job for around the farm yard no prunning his tomato plants.
Anchor A cycling T shirt from Mr Rouller. It is my Christmas present from the bread knife. I doubt i'll get the £25 back it cost me.Ho hum.
Cutsyke Arh, Christmas presents you bought yourself to give to others to give to you? is basically this article but in a tidier format with more pictures. maybe should have gone in the end of year best of lists as the best thing I'd read all year.
Anchor Wife just said - I can't order that T shirt. You get it and i'll give you the money.25 years of marriage that.TBF i'm pretty indifferent to gifts these days.I'd rather spend the money elsewhere. The kids and that.
Cutsyke $309s weekly shopping. No red meat. America is free cheap and easy....I'd rather spend the money elsewhere. The kids and that.Agree.
CharlieG placidcasual wroteIve just bought a new rucksack, Im quite excited about picking it up tomorrow. I have issuesNo you haven't. Osprey? Deuter? Lowe Alpine? Montane? * is also excited*
Anchor Loose Lips wroteNew bobble hat from Mamnick. A little present for myself.You know Thom is a massive racist arsehole?
Placid CharlieG wroteplacidcasual wroteIve just bought a new rucksack, Im quite excited about picking it up tomorrow. I have issuesNo you haven't. Osprey? Deuter? Lowe Alpine? Montane? * is also excited**Mannequin not included
CharlieG placidcasual wroteCharlieG wroteplacidcasual wroteIve just bought a new rucksack, Im quite excited about picking it up tomorrow. I have issuesNo you haven't. Osprey? Deuter? Lowe Alpine? Montane? * is also excited**Mannequin not includedOh. :(
Loose_Lips danpiesley wroteLoose Lips wroteNew bobble hat from Mamnick. A little present for myself.You know Thom is a massive racist arsehole? I never read anything about that. I just like his bobble hats.
Placid CharlieG wroteplacidcasual wroteCharlieG wroteNo you haven't. Osprey? Deuter? Lowe Alpine? Montane? * is also excited**Mannequin not includedOh. :(Its delightfully bland! Which suits me. :D
king_of_the_slums Waffle maker for our lass this Christmas. I bought it based on this review.. Thank you for careful correspondencePosted by K&***** , 2018/08/11 14:37:53Yesterday, I presented it in celebration of marriage and wasn't unrelieved by the result.