Anchor Loose Lips wrotedanpiesley wroteLoose Lips wroteNew bobble hat from Mamnick. A little present for myself.You know Thom is a massive racist arsehole? I never read anything about that. I just like his bobble hats.Yes - he is an exceptionaly massive cunt.The bike world has turned their collective back on by all accounts - he was doing collabs with bike shops and bike firms and lots have pulled out, taken his stuff of the shelves. he went on a twitter deleting rampage but lots of it was saved.He popped up on a forum I used to run and used the old line that hitler was a socialist that Tommy Robinson tells his followers to use to 'trigger snowflakes'.Thom went through a phase of ringing me and shouting abuse down the phone. I used the tactic of not saying anything and he soon got bored.A proper weapons grade cunt who thinks the religion of Islam to be violent to it's core.Plus he spells Tom with an H. Fist.
CharlieG £30's worth of cheese from the cheese shop/deli in Keswick. Mrs G has done her nut but hey, she left me unsupervised. :)
Cutsyke It's the crack cocaine of our generation. Counted 8 different cheeses in the fridge last night.
fuzzy Cutsyke wroteIt's the crack cocaine of our generation. Counted 8 different cheeses in the fridge last night.I'm firing into the French brie and Stilton right now while I can before it's just Wendslydale and Dairylea triangles this time next year.
Expanding_Man About fifteen Mastercuts albums (re-buying what I'd previously sold!).And Fashion Fabrique on vinyl...
space According to Amazon I bought a "herb" grinder last night, about 30 minutes after I went to bed. I think I need to have words with someone.
Cutsyke Mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Cheddar sharp, Cheddar mild, shredded 4 cheese Mexican (for a soup she makes) Philly, Philly with jalapenos, those ones needed resupplies.
space [quote=Rudi]A leather couch for my new radio station, £15 from charity shop.[/quote]A new radio station? What's that about then?
Harvest Cutsyke wroteMozzarella, Gorgonzola, Cheddar sharp, Cheddar mild, shredded 4 cheese Mexican (for a soup she makes) Philly, Philly with jalapenos, those ones needed resupplies.Seems reasonable.