Mike_Jones CBIT Fuck! Thought you were saying he'd signed for another 2 years, I was already doing aeroplanes in the backyard. If he does sign on for another 2 years that would be better than promotion for me. Hail El Loco!
CBIT Bielsa: El Loco & Leeds - Sky documentary premiering after the Stoke game https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/12010958/bielsa-el-loco-leeds
Placid Hope we win Thursday. I made a pissed up bet that Id change my middle name to Bielsa by deed pole if we got promoted. Might do it anyway, never was that attached to Gary 🤣
Mike_Jones Anyone watched this Sky program Bielsa: El Loco and Leeds? Trying to find it over here, worth a watch?
zico Mike_Jones Yes, they put it straight on after the Stoke game last night, it was good. Unfortunately it was only half an hour long and could have done with being longer.
Mike_Jones Have to say he's put some timber on in lockdown, the fat fucker! He should join the murderball sessions now n again, we can't lose another Leeds legend, the lovely demi-god.
CBIT <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"I did not visit him, but I read that in the city he is a rock star. He likes the identity of the club and the facilities". <br><br>The current Argentine Ambassador to Chile, Rafael Bielsa was interviewed by <a href="https://twitter.com/TyCSports?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@TyCSports</a> about his brother, Marcelo. <a href="https://t.co/I11R7M9NB4">pic.twitter.com/I11R7M9NB4</a></p>— Newell's Old Boys - English (@Newells_en) <a href=" 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> https://www.tycsports.com/amp/liga-profesional-de-futbol/rafael-bielsa-sobre-los-futuros-de-marcelo-y-messi-no-veo-como-una-posibilidad-cercana-sus-vueltas-a-newells-20200713.html