space Used to play for money at Uni. Got to the point where games were a quid a point, which in 1989 and being a student was a fucking fortune.
Foxy_Dread Reggie_Perrin only thing is cLucan didn't exactly engage with civil constructs such as divorce.
Placid Went to Bosnia and loads of beat looking charcters played at roadside fruit stalls in the sun. Looked ace way to while time away in the sun. Sadly playing it on my phone doesnt have the same catchet as ex Balkan War vets playing it in the sunshine. Still.. tomorrow is a new departure for me. Playing against other humans
Foxy_Dread Speed chess is brilliant. Nothing I can add to a backgammon discussion. Can we have a detailed report please, and a statistical breakdown by age, gender, sartorial elegance.....
Placid Foxy_Dread Can we have a detailed report please, and a statistical breakdown by age, gender, sartorial elegance..... No problem, Im guessing mostly in 60's, grey looking clobber and equally grey demeanors.
Djpekingman Sobranie. jTI’s luxury brand. You don’t see many of them in Bosnia. I used to play a lot in Greece back in the 80s and 90s. I co-owned a restaurant/bar in Zakynthos for 3 years in the mid 90s, where playing was de riguer. I haven’t played since it went tits up. Can’t even remember how to set up the board now.
Anchor I downloaded an app on my phone last night and played most of the evening much to my wife's annoyance. Will history repeat itself?