You have more Dylan albums than I have. I have or had the big ones. Whatever that album The Man In Me is off I didn’t even know it existed until that song popped up in adds on the telly just recently. I thought he’d written it for The Big Lebowski, much like he wrote Things Have Changed for Wonder Boys.
Off the top of
my head
Bob Dylan, Free Wheeling, Another Side, Times, Bringing It, 61, Blonde, Self Portrait, Nashville, Pat Garret, Desire, Street Legal, Hard Rain, Slow Train, Chronicles 1, Modern Times, Blood On The Tracks. Saved that for last. It beats me why so many people call that his best album.
So, more than I thought. But still, mostly the big ones. Prolific doesn’t really belong to describe it does it?
Beatles were a bit lazy when you look at it like that. Three great songwriters.