Placid Brilliant view into Organised Crime from the persepctive of the officers trying to convict some pretty violent gangs. Only been 2 on so far. Compelling stuff
CBIT Placid @white_dragon and i were talking bout this in the netflix thread, my gaff is on a couple of the night time shots.
Placid CBIT Whens the next one on?? Its ace tv. The size of that Paris Bostock?!! What a waste of a life. All that energy put into trying to get £30k to sit in prison for 10+ years.
heyho cordshoes the slight football angle is the two lads called Cornforth. We need better OMJ links other than CBIT living bang opposite one of the incident areas.
Young_Marxist_at_Tescos Some big lads on show. Should really be nicked for disorganised crime; that dozy twat who burnt himself trying to torch the getaway car....
Travis_Bickle Young_Marxist_at_Tescos never underestimate the ability of some criminals, often those committing the most serious offences, to do really, really dumb things......
Travis_Bickle Need to never lose sight of what shows like this really mean away from the cameras. And that, despite the best efforts of a lot of them to prove to the contrary, all coppers aren't bastards.
space Travis_Bickle I know two coppers and can attest that there is a 50% bastard rate in that sample which is in line with society as a whole.