Anchor It's this - is the flapper the long thin plastic bag then - it appears to have spring a leak - what ever it is.
Djpekingman Anchor Ah - one of those new-fangled bottom fillers. They're shit. Always prone to leakage, disintegration and general shitness.
Jon If they don’t sit tight you’re toilet runs and keeps topping up. Sometimes it’s just fucking about with the chain length, sometimes the rubber swells up.
Jon Harvest Draft excluder on the kitchen door? I guess it depends how many smoke detectors you have.
hendersonjones Harvest Once tested the fire alarm system at an old people’s home in Alwoodly , went to the wrong address carehome resulting in three fire engines turning up and a car park full of pensioners not best pleased
Harvest Jon Three plus a carbon monoxide detector. Bled the radiators too for maximum middle aged dad points.
90Piesanhour Patched, cleaned and spray-painted the rust patches on the car. Used newspaper and masking tape and everything.
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