Young_Marxist_at_Tescos Harvest “You’re probably best off levering them up with a flat-head screwdriver” - Adjusts trousers, returns to newspaper - *
Jon Spent my bank holiday making a cover for one of the raised beds. This evening will be spent reading up on what I can plant at this time of the year.
90Piesanhour Gonna be decorating our back room, fitting an outside security light, fixing the rust patches on the Volvo, trying to get hold of/build a log store in the garden and get a chimney sweep in. That's about as grown up as you can get, I reckon.
EEPW 90Piesanhour ha! try chopping up about 2 cubic meters of wood taken from the wooden floor and roof we just had replaced, with an axe .ready burn in our wood burning pechka this winter. plus laying laminate flooring and ripping out a massive fking metal cage (3m x 3m x 3m) the previous owner of our house built onto the outside of our bedroom window so his 30 cats could use it as a toilet. welcome to Bulgarian grown up life
Anchor Flipping cistern is broken - wont stop filling. Can't work out why - bloody being grown up - why can't my dad do it for me.
Anchor Djpekingman Bugger knows - it seems to be working. Just keeps filling so a contsant run into the pan plus making a noise that makes me want to k1ll.
Jon Djpekingman Could be. Bloke I once worked with, while we were fixing a constantly running toilet, told an Upper Eastside Trophy Wife she had a swollen flapper. Me and the housekeeper had tears in our eyes trying not to laugh.
Djpekingman Anchor There's likely an adjusting screw that controls the max height of your ball cock, but that could be a red herring. Alternatively there may be something jamming the exit open, ie it's not reseating properly after flushing so its basically leaking water all the time. Your cistern will keep trying to replace the lost water, hence the constant running. A swollen flapper would do it.
Anchor It's this - is the flapper the long thin plastic bag then - it appears to have spring a leak - what ever it is.
Djpekingman Anchor Ah - one of those new-fangled bottom fillers. They're shit. Always prone to leakage, disintegration and general shitness.
Jon If they don’t sit tight you’re toilet runs and keeps topping up. Sometimes it’s just fucking about with the chain length, sometimes the rubber swells up.