Anchor Alcohol fucks your sleep patterns mate. There is a book called 'Alcohol Explained' by William Porter (good surname) with a good chapter on sleep. Explains why we sleep for about 4 or 5 hours then often wake up and can't get back to sleep after drinking. Your body creates stimulant like chemicals when processing alcohol a few hours later. Ruins your REM sleep, even if you're not even conscious of being awake. That's why you often get that "I'm not hungover just tired" feeling. When scientists fanny about in labs with rats and do something (god knows what) to prevent the rats having REM sleep, they die in a few weeks. (The rats that is not the scientists). We need that type of sleep more than we realise. I struggled for years with "drinkers dawn" before I understood this. Few days off usually gets sleep back patterns to normal. Bit longer if you're used to drinking every day.
I fucking love a few pints. Have done for about 35 years but think I'm getting towards that stage where I love sleep more.