Travis_Bickle So much ire. A world of scorn. Post after post after post of derision. No surprise though. When Jimmy was making this album, it seems so many of us were programming our 808s, sourcing obscure Italian anoraks and nodding knowingly as we flicked through the 'Serbian Indie' racks at Jumbo. I don't like this. It's really not very good. But if it fucked people off as much as it seems it did on this thread, I'd have it at my funeral. Bogun for life.
Harvest There's a track on there that reminds me of Battleship Chains by Georgia Satellites which at the time sounded ok. Just listened to it now and it's not aged well.
Placid Harvest There’s a track on there that reminds me of Battleship Chains by Georgia Satellites which at the time sounded ok. Just listened to it now and it’s not aged well. A track on this album sounds like another by a different artist which was ok but is actually rubbish. 😂
Raposa I’m starting to like this album as each post goes by 😊 Fair fucks to you Sir Mitaman, like what you’ve done here. I’m already lining up Singalongamax by Max Bygraves as my next choice.
Mitaman Genuine. Loved it at the time, knew it would be hated on here. That’ll learn you for asking me… 😂
CharlieG Frankly, this made me chuckle. Bad News/Spinal Tap meet Fast Show/Harry Enfield. Bad, but not loathsome, and, not a little, sad. Where are they now.....
hendersonjones Just given this a go and thought of this straight away 1987 you say it’s a Zilch from me
YoungParisian_inExile Love it. Straight off Rock FM in Canada. Sometimes you need music like this, highway driving , big sky nature, turn it up, BBQs, beer , laugh, air guitar ... Music doesn't always have to be serious . ❤️
Djpekingman YoungParisian_inExile I can honestly say that thus far in my 64 and a half years of life I have never needed music like this.
Flaneur I'm wondering if there's any music in this vein, that we could recommend to @Mitaman ? Chicago springs to mind:
Mitaman Interestingly, the best live band I have ever heard was when we stopped at some roadside diner/ bar somewhere near Calgary. Sadly I never got the name of this young rock-band, but they were brilliant. I have always loved North American rock music.