zico Didn t want to put this under The Wilderness Years, as it obviously doesn t fit. I hadn t seen it before today. [
Young_Marxist_at_Tescos 09:58…Misspelling on Joe Jordan’s tracky top That’ll play havoc with me OCD all day
90Piesanhour Watched this last night on YouTube. The narrator/presenter was Colin Welland, wasn't he? Always remember him from Kes. Good little programme, though.
EEPW 90Piesanhour twas mr welland, had the pleasure of meeting him a few times as he was good friends with Paul Luty who in turn was good friends with my old man, Luty lived a few doors down from us on the dunhills Leeds 9 bottom of selby hill
white_dragon Very poignant, seeing the ones we've lost, in their prime and Don as well . Funny what Welland said at the end about belief in themselves. Can't remember whether I heard either Giles or Eddie say similar. That Don only slightly loosened the shackles in 73/74 and whoever it was thought they could of really gone for it more often.