Cooley He’s a bit of a knobhead, isn’t he? For that reason alone I hope his tat brings fuck all. Sadly, I fear otherwise.
Cooley Somebody on here - years back - came up with a genius line about Baker. Can’t remember what is was though.
Cooley Win, Lose or Draw was ace. And he had a big hand in TFI Friday when it was the best thing on telly. So he’s not all bad, I suppose.
doggybag Love him or loathe him, there's some very tasty stuff on there. I thought he supports Millwall like our other loved/loathed fat bastard, Rod Liddle.
Travis_Bickle The original 606 with Danny Kelly was genius..... 'Any more pie?' 'My girlfriend looks like Doug Rougvie' His rants at Bruce Rioch when he was manager at Millwall