space I have never said voting will transform their lies. A change of government has never done that, and short of a full revolution such change can never occur. And there are few revolutions where such change has been for the better of all.
Change can only occur in small steps, but such is the expectation, lack of patience of the populace and the entrenchment of the establishment and their manipulation of opinion is that its never good enough for the voters who expect to see an immediate improvement in their lot, as is demonstrated by your list. So they vote for the other lot next time round and we start all over again.
The unusual thing about this bunch of charlatans is that they've consistently fucked things up for the vast majority of folk by demonising the opposition to such an extent that no one votes for them. So they pushed populism and people fell for it while the government presided over the longest period of stagnation and reverse in my lifetime and indeed possibly in uk history.
The current opposition will not radically change stuff (Corbyn's redical manifesto has been quickly forgotten - I mean stuff like free education, health and decent social services, reigning in the priviatised utilities etc) but it might help.
Your alternative is to re-elect the tories as there is no credible alternative (nor under the electoral rules will it be ever allowed to happen). So vote for who is going to help you and your kids more than the other. t's up to you and your offspring to make this change.
I will not be voting, I'm 65, I've not long left, I don't live in the UK, it's not my future, it's too much hassle and I'm enjoying the easy life. If you vote at least you can say tried. Failing to vote at your and your kid's ages is abdicating responsibility.