Travis_Bickle Most of you wouldn't know if AI was used in your CV.
There have been CV writers knocking about for years and have invariably been shite. But it doesn't help that most agencies are also shite. I used to recruit for staff on projects I worked on, and some of the shite CVs I received from agencies had to be seen to be believed.
Most professional posts are now filled through agencies - I have sent my CV to them before and the one presented to the end client by the agency has been unrecognisable. AI really can't be any worse at writing CVs than some of the grifting BS merchants that work in agencies. Or HR.
Many larger companies only accept CVs if they are in a certain format, which doesn't help when you are trying to get your point across. So the CV you have that has evolved over the years and is an accurate reflection (unless you are a grifter) of your experience and skills has to be rewritten either by yourself or by an agency. When the latter it really doesn't matter a flying fuck whether AI or (sub) humans have written it.