Placid 90Piesanhour Centre. I genuinely dont know the correct way to spell it re or er.. I do it differently most times. Mostly because I dont give a fuck about spelling. Some people are really funny about it, Im not one of them.
90Piesanhour Placid How I spelt it. Center is American. Licence is another. Spellcheck constantly changes it to ‘license’. Fine in the US, but not here, thank you.
Placid You guys would be a lot of humor at parties, I bet your friends and neighbors regocnize your encycolpedic labor to recognize and analyze peoples spelling..
90Piesanhour Placid No they don’t. But I used to do TEFL teaching and was always asked to teach British rather than American English, and spelling is a big part of that, as you have illustrated.
Placid Where did you do TEFL? Sounds good. Wish Id done that, there would be loads of students all spelling like shit and mixing up their homophones
90Piesanhour Placid Hastings, believe it or not .That was the training, then went to Spain and taught at summer schools in Hastings, Cambridge and Bradford, as well as Manchester.