white_dragon Got a ticket for family stand, in the ballot. Usually avoid night games, due to the nightmare of M56/62. Same script, endeavouring to break through a packed defense . 2-0
Foxy_Dread This will be a good marker of where we are. I suspect they will start off tight and if that holds gradually look to get into the game.
Placid Foxy_Dread This will be a good marker of where we are. Defo.. they're decent and have strong away form. A huge support behind them and memories of battering us in the League cup. Massive test tonight.
Raposa Foxy_Dread Foxy_Dread This will be a good marker of where we are. Yep. Starting to come together now.
Bod 2-1, don't think you should look at the league cup defeat, that was just a mess, Wober was poor, had Gelhardt on the right and Bamford up front, never did anything. Be a tighter game tonight. Think that was Rutters last game.
Raposa Tough gig this tonight. Fancy these to be in the mix come seasons end. Need to watch that coffee named gadge up front. 1-1
Mega_Armageddon_Chickens Foxy_Dread I believe Bogle is injured.. As for Aaronson , he has the capability to be garbage and excellent in any given 10 minute spell. I'm not convinced about Joseph up front in this one