Ha! I wondered how long it would be before someone mentioned SDC, as they became known to those in 'the know'.
First of all, we were all mates. All Bradford punks. Snotty, scruffy youth. The band themselves, minus Ian Astbury, were a punk band called Violation: Aki on drums, Barry on bass, Buzz on guitar and Mick Brady on vocals. They used to do their own stuff, with a Hawkwind cover chucked in for good measure (Assault and Battery, if memory serves). Anyway, one day, two brothers pitched up in Bradford, Ian and Brian Astbury, both fresh from Birkenhead. As it turns out, they were looking for a place to stay and we got friendly and I convinced my dad to let them stay at our house for a while, before they ended up moving in to a grotty place in Great Horton.
They got involved in the punk scene in Bradford pretty quickly and Ian's singing talents didn't go unnoticed and, somehow, he ended up replacing Mick Brady. They knocked together some songs, heavily influenced by Ian's obsession with native American culture (started whilst they were both living in Canada) and this gave rise to the heavy leaning towards their look.
I helped get them some gigs with people like the UK Subs and Chelsea in the early days (people who I knew for a variety of reasons) and then they ended up getting on a tour with Theatre of Hate. I was unemployed at the time, so I went on the tour, too, as a roadie/mate/cheerleader and had a scream. Each gig was a riot and sometimes an actual riot, but they were great times. They appeared on The Tube, amongst other programmes, and developed a bit of a following.
Although we were all good mates, Ian fucked off to the USA - the 'Coca Cola nation', as he put it, and I have not seen him since. Brian lives down south somewhere. Buzz lives in France, Aki might still live in Bradford and Barry lives down south, somewhere, too. I'm still in touch with Buzz, Aki and Barry via facebook, occasionally, and we have met up a couple of times. I could tell you some stories about Ian which would amuse you, should you be interested...
Anyway, as regards the song. It's okay, isn't it? I am a member of the SDC group on Facebook, but I never post anything, mainly because the band were/are mates of mine and I don't want to be rude, but the majority of the stuff they did has definitely NOT stood the test of time. It couldn't sound more dated if it had come out in the stone age. It sounded reasonable at the time, when there was lots of similar stuff around, but, blimey, it sounds poor today. There are endless videos posted by people and I do occasionally dip in to them, but I end up laughing to myself. We had a great time back them, but that was then and this is now and I cannot imagine ever thinking; 'Let's just pop this Southern Death Cult album on, shall we?' any more than I would some offering by Sex Gang Children or Specimen.
Thanks for posting, though, as I would guess not many people on here will have heard of them, however, I might be wrong?