Not sure if this has it's own thread or not but I've just finished Dirty John a third recommendation from Cuts aka @teatoastanap Here are all three Podcast links. Serial: story of a young man in prison for killing his ex girlfriend in Baltimore, an intelligent boy who is erudite and engaging and interviewed extensively throughout the chapters. A who dunnit presented from all angles which tells each persons story and lets you draw your own conclusions. S Town: story of a reclusive bloke in Alabama and his sexuality, friendships, drug and alcohol abuse and rumoured murders and intrigue. An interesting and sad reflection of life in rural small town America. Dirty John: of a manipulative wrong un who squirms his way into a successful woman's life and eats away at her, her family and their relationships. Sad look into their wider family also. All compelling listening as you get to hear the story unfold from the protagonists rather than from the narrators point of view like most stories or books. I know there maybe some leading of this by the lead narrator but ultimately it feels like story telling from the characters involved. Interesting medium.